
Directed by Jessica Dunn Rovinelli

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In Development

America is a six-to-eight part television series by filmmaker Jessica Dunn Rovinelli (So Pretty, 2019, Empathy, 2016), that follows the odd couple-cum-love story between a transgender American man, Paul (Phoebe DeGroot, So Pretty) and an alcoholic Yugoslavian cowboy Dane (film director Dane Komljen). After meeting in the southwest of America, they embark on a motorcycle trip across the country, traversing the iconic geography of the United States, its salt flats and pine forests, plains and mountains. 
They encounter ketamine-fueled raves filled with gender deviants, a collective of transwomen teaching themselves to shoot guns in a rural commune, and monster-truck rallies of freaks and queers, among other moments of atypical yet somehow typical American experience filtered through Rovinelli’s distinctive documentary-fiction lens.

America is another America, an attempt to tell a new great American story that grants the same mythmaking qualities as the other Americans that have too often overshadowed the nation’s consciousness.


In Development
Directed by Jessica Dunn Rovinelli
Cinematography by Bill Kirstein
Produced by 100 Year Films

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